

  • Tuesday, 6th August, 2024
  • 09:03am

Dear customers.


First of all we apologize for this decision.


Thank you for being part of Pakar Hosting for 12 years. After a long-term consideration the Pakar Hosting services will be discontinued at 5 December 2024 1 December 2024. We make the best decision by giving 3 months to transfer your assets (domain/hosting data) to another service provider.


Http/https network will be close (downtime) every week for 1 hour as a reminder.


5 1 December.


All http/https network will be shutdown, means all customer websites still hosted on our servers will go down. To avoid this problem you are advised to do the migration before the due date.


Please follow the instruction we provide, responses to support tickets will currently be limited and may be delayed.

06/08/2024 09:03am



Update: 5/9/2024

Online backup only available until 5 December 2024.

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